Retail Loss Prevention

Protect Against Shoplifting and Employee Theft by Covering Blind Spots with Hidden Cameras and security guards.
We understand how important it is to feel confident and worry free when it comes to the service we provide.

While the cornerstone of any store surveillance strategy is a well-implemented security camera system, there are still bound to be blind spots. In blind spots lie an opportunity for employees and shoplifters alike to exploit your system and walk out with big-ticket items. By deploying a supplemental system of covert cameras, you’re able to take thieves by surprise, recording vital footage that can lead to asset recovery and prosecution, potentially preventing future crimes.

At Priomh Security, we offer best-in-class covert cameras concealed in many unique housings. This addition along with added professional security guards help to keep your bottom line where you want it.

Our dedicated staff invests the time and energy necessary to be well prepared for any unique requests or special concerns our clients may have. More importantly there is uniquely trained team in Priomh Security that is specialized in retail loss prevention in Denver metro area and beyond.