Fire watch Patrol

Fires are not prejudiced and can breakout anywhere at any time. Warehouses, factories, even downtown businesses can be damaged or completely destroyed by the tragic devastation caused by fire and smoke damage. Hiring effective fire watch guards can be one of the most important decisions that a business owner or manager ever makes

Fire watch guards are vigilant, skilled fire security guards that protect any given area or property that has experienced a fire alarm malfunction or breakage. In order to comply with the Fire Marshall, a business, hotel or commercial structure must hire a fire watch guard to watch the premises to protect the inhabitants from possible fire exposure and to ensure the rapid activation of the 911 system.

Fire guards will set a stringent routine that they will follow so that any potential fire threats can be identified and eliminated right away. They are on site sentinels that will look for any areas that might pose a future threat, so possible issues can be addressed.

They will make sure that you and your business are compliant with all local fire codes, regulations, and they can work with the fire marshal to make sure the property is as safe and prepared as it can possibly be.